Results for 'Dominick La Capra'

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  1.  26
    Interpreting Sartre: A Response to Collins.Dominick La Capra - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):145-150.
  2.  24
    L'Enjeu du discoursA Preface to Sartre.Steven Ungar, Andre Helbo & Dominick La Capra - 1979 - Substance 8 (4):119.
  3. Dominick La Capra, "Emile Durkheim, Sociologist and Philosopher". [REVIEW]Lucian C. Marquis - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):540.
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  4. Ethical issues concerning potential global climate change on food production.D. Pimentel, N. Brown, F. Vecchio, V. La Capra, S. Hausman, O. Lee, A. Diaz, J. Williams, S. Cooper & E. Newburger - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):113-146.
    Burning fossil fuel in the North American continent contributes more to the CO2 global warming problem than in any other continent. The resulting climate changes are expected to alter food production. The overall changes in temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, insect pests, plant pathogens, and weeds associated with global warming are projected to reduce food production in North America. However, in Africa, the projected slight rise in rainfall is encouraging, especially since Africa already suffers from severe shortages of rainfall. For all (...)
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    I flauti del cielo. Quattro divagazioni sul tema della filosofia comparata.Rudi Capra - 2020 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis Edizioni.
    Non una pacifica esplorazione ma un’avanscoperta bellicosa, in sardonica guerrilla con alcuni baluardi della tradizione filosofica occidentale: le leggi e il linguaggio della metafisica, la concezione stabile e unitaria dell'identità personale, il modello tragico della volontà, il pregiudizio antropocentrico e l’asservimento della natura al dominio della tecnica. Senza la pretesa di comporre un discorso esaustivo o sistematico, Capra recupera soprattutto Nietzsche e il Wittgenstein delle Ricerche Logiche in una (auto)critica comparativa, per mostrare in quali modi il pensiero correlativo delle (...)
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    L'originalité de la communication participative en Amérique Latine.Paula Capra - 2007 - Hermes 48:137.
    Durant les années 1970 en Amérique latine, le « courant critique » est très actif dans la reformulation des méthodologies, des objets d'études et des objectifs de la recherche en communication. Dans ce contexte, il élabore le modèle de communication participative en rupture avec le diffusionnisme en prenant comme point de départ la théorie de la dépendance et du colonialisme interne. Ce modèle questionne les relations verticales dans une société donnée. En partant du cas de la radiodiffusion en Bolivie , (...)
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    Reply to La capra.Douglas Collins - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (44):150-152.
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    La historia como teoría crítica. La historia intelectual de Dominick LaCapra.Alfonso Galindo Hervás - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):921-942.
    Este artículo tiene dos objetivos. El principal es mostrar la concepción de la historiografía como teoría crítica en la obra de Dominick LaCapra. El secundario es exponer las consecuencias impolíticas de la teoría crítica contemporánea que subestima la atención a la historia. Con tal fin, enmarco la historia intelectual de LaCapra en el contexto de la renovación de la metodología historiográfica y muestro la relevancia del estudio del trauma en su concepción del conocimiento histórico. Posteriormente, muestro que la clave (...)
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  9. Leonardo e la Scienza Moderna - Relatori: Fritjof Capra & Paolo Galluzzi.Alberto Binazzi - 2007 - Humana Mente 1 (3).
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    Locura Del Dólar. El Relato de la Vida Económica En American Madness (1932), de Frank Capra.José Alfredo Peris Cancio & José Sanmartín Esplugues - 2017 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 13:121-154.
    El cine clásico de Hollywood de los años treinta y cuarenta fue testigo de la crisis del 29 y sus repercusiones. Un estudio filosófico de este permite descubrir en la filmografía del director Frank Capra luminosos criterios de interpretación. Desde sus primeros títulos, sus películas ponen de manifiesto la relación entre la modernidad, la técnica y la centralidad de la persona. Filmar American Madness (1932) supuso para Capra entrar de lleno en el tema de la reflexión ética sobre (...)
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    A. Capra, ‘Aγών λóγων, ll Protagora di Platone fra eristica e commedia, Milano 2001 (Edizioni Universitarie di LED, 237 págs.). [REVIEW]Marisa G. Divenosa - 2003 - Méthexis 16 (1):123-126.
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    Oveja negra, cordero blanco. La creación de lana para teñir por selección artificial de la oveja doméstica.Víctor Manuel Díaz Núñez de Arenas & Juan José Negro - 2023 - Arbor 199 (807):a696.
    La oveja (Ovis aries) es el primer animal domesticado para consumo en un hito histórico que marca el inicio de la sedentarización de las comunidades humanas al comienzo del Neolítico. Durante milenios, fueron semejantes al muflón asiático (Ovis orientalis), su ancestro salvaje. Las razas primitivas supervivientes en el norte de Europa son oscuras, mudan el pelo estacionalmente, tienen cuernos en ambos sexos y apenas producen lana. Los ancestros de las modernas surgieron hace unos 3.500 años. Se seleccionaron para producir lana (...)
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    (1 other version)La guerra civil española y el exilio como “acontecimientos metafísicos”. El trauma estructural en la obra de María Zambrano.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 1:1-16.
    El propósito del presente artículo es el de profundizar en la interpretación de la lectura zambraniana en torno a eventos de su tiempo como la guerra civil española y el posterior exilio republicano, explicitando la discontinuidades y desniveles etiológicos que subyacen a su obra filosófica. Tal y como han desarrollado diferentes exégetas de su pensamiento, las reflexiones de María Zambrano han transitado desde el plano histórico a la articulación de una lectura de los acontecimientos desde un entramado metafísico y teológico. (...)
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    The Life and Mind of John Dewey (review). [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):541-543.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 541 But the end result is what La Capra terms "a philosophical conservatism," a call to create a morality to counteract the disintegrating forces in modern society. Here too Durkheim joins hands with Weber, Freud, and Malinowski. "Excessive individualism was symptomatic of social disintegration" (p. 145). Its antidote is the formation of cooperative groups. So for Weber the individual, in order to be a genuine man, (...)
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    Notas al Pie de Gaza (Joe Sacco): pensando la identificación como posibilidad ética.Mary Mac-Millan - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Notas al pie de Gaza es una novela gráfica del artista Joe Sacco en la que se retoma el conflicto palestino-israelí ya tratado en Palestina: En la Franja de Gaza. En esta obra se abocará a la investigación de dos matanzas cometidas el año 1956 en territorio palestino.. En este trabajo nos centraremos en el controvertido final de la novela, en la que Sacco, mediante una notable técnica gráfica, obliga al lector a convertirse en una de las víctimas de la (...)
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  16. Marinella and her interlocutors: hot blood, hot words, hot deeds.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2525-2537.
    In the treatise called La nobiltà et l’eccellenza delle donne co’ diffetti et mancamenti de gli uomini Lucrezia Marinella claims that women are superior to men. She argues that men are excessively hot, and that heat in a high degree is detrimental to the intellectual and moral capacities of a person. The aim of this paper is to set out Marinella’s views on temperature differences in the bodies of men and women and the effects of bodily constitution on the capacities (...)
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    (3 other versions)The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism.Fritjof Capra - 1975 - Boston: Shambhala.
    After a quarter of a century in print, Capra's groundbreaking work still challenges and inspires. This updated edition of The Tao of Physics includes a new preface and afterword in which the author reviews the developments of the twenty-five years since the book's first publication, discusses criticisms the book has received, and examines future possibilities for a new scientific world.
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    The turning point: science, society, and the rising culture.Fritjof Capra - 1983 - New York: Bantam Books.
    "We are trying to apply the concepts of an outdated world view--the mechanistic world view of Cartesian-Newtonian science--to a reality that can no longer be understood in terms of these concepts.
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    The systems view of life: a unifying vision.Fritjof Capra - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by P. L. Luisi.
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    Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular Languages.Francoise Lionnet - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):63-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular LanguagesFrançoise Lionnet* (bio)In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf quips: “History is too much about wars; biography too much about great men;” literary history, she might have added, is too much about sons murdering their fathers. Canonical readings of the canon have often insisted on the vaguely Freudian (if not biblical) model of literary creation susceptible both to “anxieties (...)
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  21.  18
    El mito de Ifigenia según los escritores filóginos del Renacimiento.María Belén Hernández González - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:95-104.
    El mito de Ifigenia ha sido reinterpretado con extraordinaria vitalidad en multitud de obras literarias y artísticas a lo largo de la historia. Este artículo pretende examinar la particular repercusión de Ifigenia en el debate de la _Querelle des femmes_ a partir de la recuperación del manuscrito de la tragedia de Eurípides a finales del s. XV, en autores como Galeazzo Flavio Capra, Ludovico Dolce o Lilio Gregorio Giraldi. La recepción de la tragedia griega desde Italia, al verterse en (...)
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  22.  27
    Levinas and the Cinema of Redemption: Time, Ethics, and the Feminine.Sam B. Girgus - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    In his philosophy of ethics and time, Emmanuel Levinas highlighted the tension that exists between the "ontological adventure" of immediate experience and the "ethical adventure" of redemptive relationships-associations in which absolute responsibility engenders a transcendence of being and self. In an original commingling of philosophy and cinema study, Sam B. Girgus applies Levinas's ethics to a variety of international films. His efforts point to a transnational pattern he terms the "cinema of redemption" that portrays the struggle to connect to others (...)
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  23.  80
    Rethinking Intellectual History and Reading Texts.Dominick Lacapra - 1980 - History and Theory 19 (3):245-276.
  24. Among the Boys and Young Men: Philosophy and Masculinity in Plato’s Lysis.Yancy Hughes Dominick - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (2):305-322.
    Near the middle of his first discussion with Lysis, Socrates asks an odd question—he asks if Lysis’ mother lets him play with her loom or touch her woolworking tools (208d1-e2). It is one of many odd questions, of course, but it is odd nonetheless. Odd, and also funny: it is the one of just two comments in the book that makes Lysis laugh. This question, I argue, reveals the profound depth of Socrates’ inquiry about Lysis’ views about himself and his (...)
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  25.  80
    Trauma, Absence, Loss.Dominick LaCapra - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 25 (4):696-727.
  26. The metaphysics of farts.Bill Capra - 2022 - Think 21 (61):39-43.
    I consider the metaphysics of farts. I contrast the essential-bum-origin view with a phenomenological view, and I argue in favour of the latter.
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    (1 other version)Complexity and Life.Fritjof Capra - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (5):33-44.
    During the last two decades, a new understanding of life emerged at the forefront of science.The development of complexity theory, technically known as nonlinear dynamics, has allowed scientists and mathematicians to model the complexities of living systems in new ways that have yielded many important discoveries. In this article, the author reviews the basic concepts, current achievements and status of complexity theory from the perspective of the new understanding of biological life. Models and theories discussed include the theory of dissipative (...)
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  28.  70
    Rethinking intellectual history: texts, contexts, language.Dominick LaCapra - 1983 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Discusses the problems of text and context in studying the philosophical writings of Wittgenstein, Ricoeur, Sartre, Jameson, Marx, and Bakhtin.
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  29.  16
    Soundings in Critical Theory.Dominick LaCapra - 2016 - Cornell University Press.
    "Dominick LaCapra is unequalled in his ability to bring theoretical concerns that are associated with literary theory to the attention of historians. He is responsible for enlivening the discipline of history and compelling historians to rethink their foundational assumptions, which normally go unquestioned."—Mark Poster, University of California, Irvine.
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  30.  10
    History in Transit: Experience, Identity, Critical Theory.Dominick LaCapra - 2004
    An exploration of the links within the study of history between experience and identity, history and various theories of subjectivity, extreme events and their representation, institutional structures and the knowledge produced within them.
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    Patterns of connection: essential essays from five decades.Fritjof Capra - 2021 - Albuquerque: High Road Books, University of New Mexico Press :.
    Fritjof Capra, scientist, educator, activist, and accomplished author, presents the evolution of his thought over five decades in Patterns of Connection. First introduced in the late 1950s to the work of Werner Heisenberg, a founder of quantum mechanics, Capra quickly intuited the connections between the discoveries of quantum physics and the traditions of Eastern philosophy--resulting in his first book, the bestselling The Tao of Physics. This synthesis, representative of the change from the mechanistic worldview of Descartes and Newton (...)
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  32. Approaching limit events: siting Agamben.Dominick LaCapra - 2007 - In Matthew Calarco & Steven DeCaroli, Giorgio Agamben: sovereignty and life. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 126--62.
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  33.  40
    History and Psychoanalysis.Dominick LaCapra - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):222-251.
    The focus of this essay will be on Freud, although my approach is informed by certain aspects of “post-Freudian” analysis. In the works of Freud, however, history in the ordinary sense often seems lost in the shuffle between ontogeny and phylogeny. When Freud, in the latter part of his life, turned to cultural history, he was primarily concerned with showing how the evolution of civilization on a macrological level might be understood through—or even seen as an enactment of—psychoanalytic principles and (...)
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  34. Causality in medicine: Towards a theory and terminology.Dominick A. Rizzi & Stig Andur Pedersen - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (3).
    One of the cornerstones of modern medicine is the search for what causes diseases to develop. A conception of multifactorial disease causes has emerged over the years. Theories of disease causation, however, have not quite been developed in accordance with this view. It is the purpose of this paper to provide a fundamental explication of aspects of causation relevant for discussing causes of disease.The first part of the analysis will discuss discrimination between singular and general causality. Singular causality, as in (...)
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  35. Causal reasoning and the diagnostic process.Dominick A. Rizzi - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (3):315-333.
    Background: Causal reasoning as a way to make a diagnosis seems convincing. Modern medicine depends on the search for causes of disease and it seems fair to assert that such knowledge is employed in diagnosis. Causal reasoning as it has been presented neglects to some extent the conception of multifactorial disease causes. Goal: The purpose of this paper is to analyze aspects of causation relevant for discussing causal reasoning in a diagnostic context.
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    The Tao of physics: [an exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism].Fritjof Capra - 1975 - London: Wildwood House.
    Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science, but man needs both. --Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. Their paths to the truth could not be more different--but the amazing thing is that, in their own ways, the mystics and the scientists are discovering the same truths about our world. In non-technical language, with no complex mathematics or formulae, this thought-provoking program explores the main concepts and theories of modern physics, the revelations coming from particle accelerators and laboratories--and compares (...)
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  37. The Image of the Noble Sophist.Yancy Hughes Dominick - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2):203-220.
    In this paper, I begin with an account of the initial distinction between likenesses and appearances, a distinction which may resemble the difference between sophists and philosophers. That distinction first arises immediately after the puzzling appearance of the noble sophist, who seems to occupy an odd space in between sophist and philosopher. In the second section, I look more closely at the noble sophist, and on what that figure might tell us about images and the use of images. I also (...)
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  38.  27
    Understanding others: peoples, animals, pasts.Dominick LaCapra - 2018 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    To what extent do we and can we understand others--other peoples, species, times, and places? What is the role of others within ourselves, epitomized in the notion of unconscious forces? Can we come to terms with our internalized others in ways that foster mutual understanding and counteract the tendency to scapegoat, project, victimize, and indulge in prejudicial and narcissistic impulses? How do various fields or disciplines address or avoid such questions? And, in the light of recent developments, have these questions (...)
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  39.  27
    Prolegomena to the study of Youxi Sanmei 遊戲三昧 Buddhist sacred play between agonism and mimicry.Rudi Capra - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-14.
    This article outlines a genealogical profile of an elusive doctrinal concept that, after being discussed in several Mahāyāna sutras, had a significant impact on East Asian Buddhist traditions. This notion is known as ‘playful samādhi’, in Chinese youxi sanmei 遊戲三昧, which translates to Sanskrit vikrīḍita samādhi. The compound youxi 遊戲 (‘playful’ – ‘at play’) was cited in Chinese sutras and Buddhist documents, in renowned and widely diffused collections of gongans/kōans 公案, was expounded and commented on by Dōgen Zenji 道元禅師 (1200–1253) (...)
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  40. Towards a Universal Eudaimonism? Aristippus and Zhuangzi on Play, Dependence and the Good Life.Rudi Capra - 2023 - Tropos. Journal of Hermeneutics and Philosophical Criticism 14 (2):75-103.
    The article explores similarities between the philosophies of Zhuangzi and Aristippus, focusing in particular on play and eudaimonism. The main thesis is that both authors encourage the cultivation of a playful mindset, defined in the paper as the “ludic self”, which operates as a strategy for leading a flourishing life. By shaping a fluid, unstructured identity, the ludic self promotes negative subtraction from the structuring power of social nexus and proactive adaptation to shifting circumstances. Furthermore, some aspects of these philosophies (...)
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  41. Medical prognosis — some fundamentals.Dominick A. Rizzi - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (4).
    Background: The concept of prognosis as a prediction concerning the probable outcome of an attack of disease shows some severe contextual drawbacks in the everyday clinical sense. It is often used to describe possible outcomes of the disease in general, or the progression of a disease course, not the expected course in a particular case. Goal: To render more discriminating uses of the term prognosis, in order to provide the prognosticating physician with a valid tool, comparable to the theoretical basis (...)
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    History and its Limits: Human, Animal, Violence.Dominick LaCapra - 2009 - Cornell University Press.
    Introduction For Freud, beyond the explanatory limits of the pleasure principle lay the repetition compulsion, the death drive, and trauma with its ...
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    Raising Questions, Cutting Fingers: Chan Buddhism and the Cultivation of Creativity through Ritual Dialogues.Rudi Capra - 2019 - Culture and Dialogue 7 (1):31-45.
    The present paper identifies creativity as a crucial component in the pedagogical process envisaged by Chan masters in the Song era. In particular, the paper considers ritual dialogues between masters and students involving questions and answers taken from the renowned collection known as the Blue Cliff Record. The first section is concerned with the definition of creativity and its role within the contextual framework of Chan pedagogy in the Song era. The second section analyses some significant ritual dialogues included in (...)
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  44. Seeing Through Images: The Bottom of Plato’s Divided Line.Yancy Hughes Dominick - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 1-13.
    In this paper I defend a reading of eikasia as the viewing of an image as an image; this condition need not involve any confusion of image and original. The “standard reading” of eikasia, on which experiencing this state involves mistaking images for originals, is unsatisfactory, despite the fact that it offers an attractive account of the relation of the line and the cave. The initial description of eikasia makes the suggestion that Socrates believes that anyone consistently mistakes images for (...)
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  45. Resisting apocalypse and rethinking history.Dominick Lacapra - 2007 - In Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan & Alun Munslow, Manifestos for history. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Everything is a Goat!Bill Capra - 2009 - Philosophy Now 71:31-32.
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  47. Foucault, history, and madness.L. Dominick - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (1):31-38.
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    Habermas and the Grounding of Critical Theory.Dominick LaCapra - 1977 - History and Theory 16 (3):237-264.
    The introduction and appendices to Habermas's texts reveal, both explicitly and implicitly, some inner contestations within his social theory. Habermas attempts to ground critical theory in a philosophical anthropology based upon quasi-transcendental cognitive interests and an ideal speech situation involving a consensus theory of truth. Unlike other expositors of dialectical theory, Habermas fails to address systematically the notion of supplementarity. Thus the dichotomous typologies of his analysis appear frozen within the existing ideological framework and some are in conflict with the (...)
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    Is Everyone a Mentalite Case? Transference and the "Culture" Concept.Dominick Lacapra - 1984 - History and Theory 23 (3):296-311.
    The difficulty in historical research is to develop an exchange with the "other" that is both sensitive to transferential displacement and open to the challenge of the "other's" voice. Contemporary sociocultural history has often tended simply to reverse the assumptions of an abstracted history of ideas and replicate its documentary treatment of artifacts as symptoms of society and economy rather than of mind. Its populism replicates the scapegoating propensities of populism in society. Even the best historians, Carl Schorske and Robert (...)
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    Anti‐antitrust: Ideology or economics? Reply to Scherer.Dominick T. Armentano - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (1):29-39.
    F.M. Scherer has not effectively rebutted my subjectivist criticism of the standard microeconomic welfare model; Scherer's historical reference to what Congress (allegedly) believed is irrelevant to the theoretical concerns raised by subjectivism. Nor does my “principal” criticism of antitrust policy rests on “philosophical foundations”; my principal criticism rests on conventional economic analysis and a detailed economic history of the classic antitrust cases. My conclusion that the electrical equipment conspiracy of the late 1950s had no significant effect on market prices is (...)
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